Reynolds Creek Falls

RATING - 32.0

VR - 4.0 (S/M)          HR - 4.0            SR - 16/20


DIFFICULTY - Fairly Easy

LOCATION - Twisp River Area

TYPE - Tiered

HEIGHT - 54'

WIDTH - 15'

DIRECTIONS - Drive out Twisp River Road.  Near the Mystery Campground, turn left over the river and follow the signs towards Twisp River Horse Camp.  In about 1/2 a mile, turn left again towards the signed Reynolds Creek Trail.  From the parking lot, head towards the creek and slightly downhill.  You should come out right around the falls.  Be careful if you get close to the edge.

Reynolds Creek Falls is a cool little waterfall located in a typical East Side canyon.  The falls drop a total of 54' in a series of small drops.  Because of the steepness and the way the falls twist through the canyon, it's a little tricky to get a good view.  I think the safest route would be to just wade up the creek from the road below.  I'm not 100% sure you can see the whole thing from the base though.

Like many of the waterfalls in this area, during the spring, the canyon is surrounded by desert wildflowers and looks fantastic!