Lower Galena Creek Falls

RATING - 13.6

VR - 1.8 (Sm) HR - 2.0 SR - 10/20


DIFFICULTY - Fairly Easy

LOCATION - Mt. Baker Highway

TYPE - Cascades

HEIGHT - 30'

WIDTH - 45'

GPS - N48 52.378 W121 40.098


DIRECTIONS - Drive east on the Mt. Baker Highway. In about 48 miles the road begins to enter a series of very sharp switchbacks. This waterfall is located just off the road at the first 15 MPH switchback. Climb up the hill, fight your way through the brush, and scramble down to the creek for a view.

In all likelihood, Galena Creek runs over a never ending series of small waterfalls like this one. Unfortunately, most of them cannot be seen with any amount of ease. Luckily, this waterfall and Heather Meadows Falls can be seen easily. This cascading waterfall can be seen from the road through the trees, but a short bushwhack is necessary to get a clear view of the falls. There is nothing horribly difficult about the bushwhack, but there are a lot of plants that can poke you on the way. It's much easier to spot the waterfall when heading back down the mountain. You'll see the whitewater through the trees as you approach the corner.

  • There is actually a decent chance that this waterfall is not actually on Galena Creek, but is instead on an unnamed branch of Bagley Creek. I'll try to confirm it for sure in the future.