Eldridge Falls
RATING - 22.5
VR - 1.8 (Sm) HR - 7.0 SR - 10/20
LOCATION - Heliotrope Ridge
TYPE - Fan
HEIGHT - 225'
WIDTH - 30'
GPS - N 48 47.576 W121 52.290
DIRECTIONS - Follow the Heliotrope Ridge Trail for about two miles to the ford of the West Fork of Heliotrope Creek. The falls can be seen upstream from here. Closer views can be had by taking the Climbers trail up the ridge.
Eldridge Falls is one of the many small volume waterfalls that are located near the end of the Heliotrope Ridge Trail. The small stream veils down about 150' from the meadows above into the forests below. The falls can be seen partially from the trail and slightly better views can be had from the Climbers' Trail. Like the other waterfalls in the area, this one is overshadowed by the amazing views of Mt. Baker. Come for the mountain views, but check out the waterfalls while you're there. On my recent visit, the lower half of the waterfall was covered with a pile of snow. I have named the falls after settler Edward Eldridge, who was one of the first people to summit Mt. Baker along with Edmund Coleman.