Conrad Creek Falls

RATING - 24.0

VR - 4.0 (Sm/M) HR - 5.0 SR - 4/20



LOCATION - Suiattle River Road

TYPE - Cascades

HEIGHT - 112'

WIDTH - 15'

GPS - N48 16.131 W121 25.709


DIRECTIONS - Take the Suiattle River Road north of Darrington and follow it for around 12 miles to the bridge over the river. Cross the river and turn right onto Fr 2510 (first right that isn't signed as private property). Follow this road for 2.3 miles to Conrad Creek. The waterfall is a few hundred feet downstream but it's a pretty messy climb.

Conrad Creek Falls is a small series of cascading drops located just below an old forest service road. The waterfall would probably be fairly pretty if it wasn't completely covered in trees, branches, and rocks. The area is an absolute mess of debris. The waterfall drops a total of 112' in three sections. The upper tier is a 44' section of cascades. The creek then splits in two around a big boulder and log jam and plunges 22' in a relatively pretty segmented drop. The waterfall finishes with another set of ugly, log choked cascades of 46' in height. I would recommend just leaving this one alone unless you really need to see it. There is actually a little cascade above the road on the right hand fork of the creek that would probably be pretty nice early in the year when the volume is higher.

Bottom Tier

Upper Tier